Bishop McCort Catholic High School

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Liturgy & Sacraments

Sacrament of Reconciliation
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is an opportunity to seek forgiveness for the hurt we’ve caused by the wrong we have done or failed to do.   It assures us of God’s complete forgiveness and unconditional love and another chance to live as God’s children and to do what is right and good.  Through confession, we acknowledge that we want God to forgive us and that we want to do something about our sinfulness with the help of God’s grace.

Two Penance Services are celebrated with the entire school body.  One is held during the season of Advent.  The other takes place during the season of Lent.  Many priests from the area are present to celebrate the sacrament of Penance for these two services.

The celebration of individual rite of Penance is also available monthly during the lunch period by one of the parish priests.

The document “Lumen Gentium” (n.11) from the Second Vatican Council states that the
Eucharist is the “source and summit of the Christian life”; that is, it is what everything comes from and what we are all striving toward.  At Bishop McCort, we recognize that God is the source of all, and union with God is our ultimate goal, so we, as a school body, take time to celebrate the Eucharist on many occasions – for school events, the liturgical seasons, and special feasts.  Generally the school Masses are scheduled once per month.
First Friday Masses are celebrated as scheduled.

Liturgical Ministries
At Bishop McCort, we encourage “full, active, and conscious participation” in the celebration of the Eucharist.  One way to achieve this is through involvement in Liturgical Ministries.  Faculty and staff assist in these ministries, but students, especially, are encouraged to minister as:
  • Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion – helping with the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ during the Communion Rite.
  • Lectors – proclaiming the Word of God.
  • Altar Servers – giving assistance to the priest during the Mass.
  • Choir – leading and encouraging the Assembly to pray with song during the Liturgy.

Other students serve as gift bearers, petition readers, or serve in other capacities for additional rituals.

Training to be an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion – This is conducted with the approval of each student’s pastor and the approval of the bishop for those who desire to do this ministry.  Upon completion of the training, a commissioning of these students takes place during Mass.